Monday, August 27, 2012


At some point in the future, Ollie, you're going to feel like shit.

It'll happen, that's an immutable fact. You'll feel worthless, like any effort you make to go in any direction is doomed to failure and all your endeavours inevitably spiral towards some sticky end yada yada yada life is tough deal with it etc.

I'm not here to tell you not to do that. Do just that. It's important. Lord knows your psyche can't run on arrogance alone. Just remember this:

You made people cry.

You, through force of will and artistic interpretation, shunted people into a state of raw emotion.

You didn't do it alone, sure, but that doesn't cheapen the fact that you managed to connect to people. Somehow.

So, just remember that.

You're never worthless.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I am completely and utterly in love with parts of your brain, and that time is now.

    Oh you.
