Wednesday, April 10, 2013

unfinished, unfocussed

Let me take a biopsy of
Your cardiac musculature
Let me extract your genome
And compare our STRs
Let me find what caused this analogy
Because we do not share a clade
I'd be loathe to call this parasitism
When science has a better word
Mutualism is our evolutionary joie de vivre


It was like the Platonic myth
Smelted to a filigree
Forced into an ear hole
And poked into the thalamus
The story had layers
And fine print
And a rigidity like the immutable castes
Where walls are the end of the world
Where walls are the end of the world's webbed way
When trapped in indefinite motion
Moving surreptitiously
In an external dimension of light
I am halbermensch
The cave-dweller
Comfortably taught the myth of creation