Friday, March 23, 2012

Brain in overdrive. Send help.

Am I overly intellectually stimulated? Am I delirious with fatigue? This is three in one day. I'll admit that this and the first were short, but the point remains: three in one day. I've rarely had the mental fortitude to manage one every two, and now It's all pouring out of me like sand from a punctured golem. There, look back a few and remember what that metaphor meant. Oh god most of them were actually more than just empty words. And they're pretty-ish to boot. Much prettier than when they were just empty words. Maybe I just think they're better because they're not banal.

That's new. There's been actual reflection and critical thought going into these.

Actually, that's a little scary.


The seasons change
But I am stone
Is this how it goes: alone?

The leaves will join
That great big wheel
And what is left for me to feel?

They shift while rooted
In the ground
And beasts and men change all around

I think that's how it's best to be
Like the shifting leaves on the rooted tree

Give yourself an anchor
Give yourself a home
And should the world defeat you
It's okay to go back
To the place you call your own

But only for a time

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