Saturday, September 1, 2012


When people are happy and I can't seem to able to manage that I feel like my feelings are devalued, like it's not okay to feel like shit. Negative reinforcement doesn't help either.

On the piano stool
Foetal and twitching
Cutting up yellow hair
Singing the praises of children of the book
And extending what I call my fingers
Inelegant things
I could read all day
I could scream and bother
The others
I could hope that satisfaction will spring
Forth from achievement
Some days I even look forward to just that
It's not my duty to spread misery and scorn
But the latter I deal in handfuls
The former I'm expected to deal with myself
Is not acceptable or sightly

When my person isn't what's wanted
And my escape is unattainable
And they all refuse to be tainted
By simple humanity

Edit: And in lighter moments I look back and my own temporary happiness makes anything else seem irrelevant and invalid. But that's not the case, and it's so god damned stupid that just because people aren't feeling something they are unable to recognise its existence or importance.

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