Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Collective Nouns

My father and I frequently try to outdo each other by creating more and more obscure and wonderful collective nouns. The ones that are part of the lexicon are already rather spectacular; a bouquet of pheasants; an unkindness of ravens; a rookery of seals; a generation of vipers; but surely there's no harm in a richer lexicon. This ought to shut him up for a while.

Thousands! Hundreds! Millions left unsaid!
Tens of tens and scores of men
And scorns of riled intruders
Any number of the mass of them
Couldn't stand the sight of them
A Cartesian of numbers seeming all the ruder
Rudimentaries of particles
Magnets of atoms, just let me at 'em
And all the great glorious shinings of photons
The sight of them's more stomachable
Found by you less delectable
Than what's best unseen, a bonding of protons

Well, that was mildly tiring.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back to nature.

Metal settles with our backs to nature
Invocate this alchemical failure of permanence
Worth and dominance, fight the spread
With our backs to nature we'll soon be dead
Leaves! Branches! Eat them! Stomp!
Chomp and chain them for their shortcoming
Around to see the end of them
Hardly worth the time to see them
How can a twig have a worth or life
When a sheet is just as worth the strife of attention
Given, tensions risen! Snap the twig!
Back to nature, take a swig.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crobat's Fear-Induced Retardation Syndrome.

This widespread syndrome is known to only affect individuals within horror/thriller movie plots. It is characterised by a complete loss of rational faculties, memory lapse, and an inability to maintain one's nerve.

Seriously. Have none of the people IN horror movies actually WATCHED a horror movie in their lives? I point my finger particularly at the teenage/young adult characters. So, all characters in all horror movies. You've all got some explaining to do.
No one is so removed from pop culture that they've never had the pleasure/misfortune to watch something truly terrifying. With that in mind there are a few things you tend to pick up. Like the ever golden "don't split up" rule. Or even better: "don't investigate that dark room alone". When you hear something, anything, any noise at all, you do not go look alone. Usually the sounds you hear are less than benign anyway: a scream, a snarling animal, dull metallic thuds and/or scraping. Do you still really feel the need to investigate? Really? Fine, go get disemboweled. What do I care? Moreover, you kind of agreed not to split up about half an hour ago. Look, I don't care how big the cheerleader's chest is, don't be a hero. Keep your trap shut, eyes forward.
Of course, they can't all be blamed: some rules are a little harder to understand. My personal favourite is what I like to call the stairs paradigm (not really, I just liked that syntax and needed some wanky bollocks to fill it). Essentially: don't go up the stairs, and don't go down the stairs. Odds are there's something on the second story of the house waiting inconspicuously. After all, you've cleared the ground floor, so you can only assume that the above-ground floor is safe as well. NO THAT'S JUST WHAT HE/SHE/IT WANTS YOU TO THINK. If you're already upstairs, it's probably laying a trap downstairs. "But the staircase leads right to the front door." Oh, if only it were so simple, you simple simpleton. Expect the worse and then some. Seriously, stay away from all staircases. They're horror movie disaster areas.
Don't be a minority. Don't be a minority of any kind. Don't be a social minority, don't be an ethnic minority, don't be a religious minority, don't be a fucking minority. Minorities are expendable. The writers need well-adjusted, straight, agnostic/vaguely-Christian Caucasian males and females to survive.
God damn stupid bitches in horror movies.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Kelly made himself up a nice chateau of twigs
A marble fortress of leaves and muddied bark
He went about his business with secret smiles
Let his fortress take all the miles
And for a while he kept himself out of the dark
He came from outer space, man
Where the cold was just too much
Thought it was like some cool Freudian mess
He came down and settled in London
With the rockers, mods and such
And he wiled away the days in substance,
But I digress
Kel's wailing somewhere
And there's a tangled web of soft yellow hair
I don't know what it is but there's definitely something going on upstairs

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A good man.

That awkward moment when you accidentally write something about Morrowind.
But seriously; don't expect someone to just leave if you catch them stealing something important.

The eastern door held no lock or bar
To which my dirty hands
Were unaccustomed to the far
Reaching timber strands
My tip-totalitarian creeping
Kept pace to which I stuck
And as I crept there gently seeping
Through the walls, my luck
Ran out, turn out the lights
We're having death for dinner
And blood for breakfast
Turn out the lights

My shadow stance it seemed was not
Enough to keep the pieces
Of the peace by which I strived and fought
For ages past and gone, it ceases
A twig or a rock or a rat or a lock
A click to guide their hands
The silence broke, we're out of stock
The hourglass's sands
Ran out, turn out the lights
Massacre Mondays
Slaughterhouse Sundays
Turn out the lights

The light kept low, my activity's
Best kept for darker times
A scene of humanity's wondrous lividity
But best you know my kind
You stupid shits, you'll writhe and coil
Cut a good man's trade
So don't expect those greetings when you foil
A good man and his cover fades
Out of sight, turn out the lights
We're having death for dinner tonight
Don't turn on the lights

Friday, June 3, 2011

Now you're thinking with portholes!

And they say I don't work enough in maths.

Reveal your eyes
Your shiny
White rimmed
Wide brimmed
Portholes to the soul

You shut your mouth
Your deadened croaked
Whiskey soaked
Direct open line
To your mind

Cover your head
Your sanctum's core
The memory store
The fight to shut out
The light

Open your legs
Your rusty gates
A hunger's sate
Spread them apart
Straight up to your heart